1951 Born in Barcelona (Spain).
1958 Emigration to São Paulo (Brazil).
1971 University-entrance diploma in Brazil.
1972 Immigration to Germany. Since then resident in Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany).
1973 Education in the IT sector and professional career in the field until retiring.
2017 End of active working life.
About me
I acquired my artistic skills autodidactically.
My first contact with painting came from my father, whose own artistic activity influenced me from childhood and has accompanied my work to this day.
My works arise from observing my immediate surroundings - be it an old tree in the distance, a shadow or a reminder of the past.
These observations lead me to explore a variety of forms, techniques and materials to find motifs that form the cornerstones of my art.
I always seek to follow the moment and explore the here and now to capture what I am feeling and perceiving in each moment.